Better Truckin' xDock

Smart digital terminal management

Modern terminalhantering

A complete solution for terminal management

Optimized Resource Utilization

Better Truckin’ xDock allows you to plan and optimize your terminal activities by assigning operators to goods and which ports should be used for what vehicle and trailer.

Accessible Information

Using one tool for all terminal management makes it easier for planners to make well-founded and informed decisions as all information is easily accessible.

Smart Digital Workday

Better Truckin’ xDock makes the workday digital and efficient for operators through our app. The app makes it possible to easily identify and manage goods as barcodes can be printed and scanned, even during difficult lighting conditions.

Real-Time Data for Monitoring

Digital reporting throughout the day makes it easier to monitor processes in real-time. With Better Truckin’ xDock it’s easy to track loaded and unloaded goods as well as report deviations. Gathering all your important data in one smart tool!

Checklists for Quality Control

By using customized checklists, the operator can ensure that everything meets the highest standard. From verifying that the cargo is securely fastened and safe to documenting deviations with images, we provide the operator with the tools to ensure the quality of each step.

Streamlined administration

Integration with TMS tools is the key to creating a seamless process for terminal management. It minimizes the risk of communication errors and unnecessary work since statuses and deviations can be reported directly.

With a unified administrative flow we create preconditions for increased efficiency and reduced workload.

Ripple Effect on Customers

Efficient terminal management in Better Truckin’ xDock has a ripple effect on your customers. With increased efficiency and smarter processes, shorter lead times and fewer mistakes are made. This is how we create customer satisfaction and enhance your competitiveness!

Automation for Cargo Placement

We take the extra step to optimize your terminal management. With Better Truckin’ xDock, all cargo is assigned a suggested terminal location based on its properties.

Using advanced algorithms and data analysis, we can identify the right place to maximize the utilization of the terminal. With Better Truckin’ xDock, you get an intelligent and proactive solution that takes your terminal management to the next level!

Insights for Increased Profitability

To fully work towards resource optimization and increased profitability, we offer solutions for statistics and insights.

Analysis of terminal management data makes it easier to identify patterns and bottlenecks to make informed decisions. It also helps identify opportunities for additional charges, such as faster handling times or special handling of sensitive goods.

Administration that Frees Up Time

Simple administrative tasks should be just that: simple. Better Truckin’ xDock offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy and quick to perform tasks such as creating and managing user accounts with different access rights.

Repetitive administrative tasks don’t have to be time-consuming; we give you time to focus on your core business.

User-Friendly Visualization

Another way we create conditions for resource optimization and streamlining of inbound and outbound flows is through the visualization of terminal layout. By uploading the terminal’s floor plan, you get a digital layout for a better overview and planning.

With Better Truckin’ xDock, you not only get a powerful terminal management solution but a service that makes it easy to work smarter.

Milad CEO Rumblestrip
Milad, VD Rumblestrip