"We look forward to a long-term partnership and growth together."

ProSped Sweden AB – users of Better Truckin’ since March 2022

Prosped team - customer

ProSped Sweden AB was founded in 2004 with a specific focus on Italy-bound traffic. Since then, their operations have grown, and today they offer reliable transportation services throughout the European transport market.

As ProSped expanded, their need for efficient transportation management solutions increased. Since March 2022, they have been satisfied users of Better Truckin’, which has drastically reduced their manual workload and saved them both time and money.

For their business, it’s Better Truckin’s solution for seamless co-billing and the clear overview of orders that makes the most significant difference. But also, how smoothly it works with integrated invoicing tools and the fact that everyone can easily understand the service.

Here’s how Christoffer, Traffic Manager at ProSped, describes the decision to use Better Truckin’:

”We decided to try Better Truckin’ as the platform felt easy to understand and well-developed for getting a proper overview of our operations. We also really like the smooth integration with invoicing software.”

Prosped Traffic manager
Christoffer Stenberg - Traffic Manager


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